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Ore Oyewole: A Trip to Hawaii!

LOCATIONThe Hawaiian Islands are somewhere in the Pacific Ocean about 4 – 5 hours by flight from  California. There are 8 main Islands. I visited 3 of them on this trip – The Big Island, Maui and Oahu


PEAK OF MY HOLIDAYIt’s difficult to pick a favorite thing but if I have to choose, it will be snorkelling, surfing lessons or whale watching

PIT OF MY HOLIDAYI did not really hate anything in Hawaii


On the Big Island, you have a more organic environment. More green land and scenic lookouts. I stayed in Hilo for a couple days and visited the Richardson Beach which is unlike any other  beach on this island. It has black sand and cliffs which you can climb/hike and jump off into the ocean. It also has tide pools which are great for snorkelling and you get to go really far into the ocean because it is fairly shallow (if you can swim)





On this island, I also got to go horseback riding in the Waipio Valley. Throughout the valley, there is evidence of “aloha’aina” which means love of the land. You get to see people who grow 90% of the food they eat and live completely off the grid


The Big Island is also your to go place for farm markets. Hawaii has an amazing variety of fruit. It’s almost crazy just how much fruit you can get there. My favorite was the Rambutan which has a grape like texture and tastes like nothing I can explain but take my word for it…it’s A-mazing




On this Island, I also went to Kalapana in the district of Puna. This is a town which had about half of its land buried by lava in the 70’s




The next island I visited was the island of Maui. If I’m being totally honest with myself, I had the most fun on this island solely because of the whale watching tour. The tour was at the Lahaina Boat Harbour. On whale watching tours, people usually get to see whales from quite a distance and if you are lucky they would be about a mile from your boat. But on the day that my friends and I went, two male whales were competing for the attention of a female so they came a little too close to us. They swam underneath our boat and the guides put the microphones underneath the boat and we got to hear the whales sing which was way nicer than you would expect!

hawaii-nigerian-nigeriantraveller-africa-travelnoire-maui  image  image



The Island of Oahu was the last island we visited and it is the most commercial and least scenic island. This is the most visited island (I should think, because Honolulu is there). Where we stayed was a block from the beach so we spent most of our time on the beach or out shopping because there were many designer stores around us. We also took surfing lessons on this island and visited Pearl Harbor


If you love hiking, you would love this Island too because it has the Diamond Head State Monument which is a steep, mile long hike which gives you an awesome view. We went really early in the morning so we could see the sunrise and then visited the farmer’s market which is right opposite the monument.




  • As cliche as this might sound, Hawaii is definitely the place to find yourself. You get to meet so many people and experience so many things that you start getting an idea of things you might want to get into or you find yourself developing way more interests than you thought possible
  • If you want to get away from the fast paced world, go to Hawaii. You tend to forget time and days of the week when there are so many beautiful places to go to
  • Rent a car. My group used Enterprise Rent-A-Car on each island straight from the airport
  • Stay in a hostel. Staying in a hostel might have been a bit out of style and “hippie” for me, but it gives you a chance to mix with the locals and get a real feel of the culture on each island.
  • Because of the 2 points before this and many other reasons such as group activities, go in a group of at least 5 people. It just gives you a chance to experience this place with other people and it makes every single activity cheaper
  • If you are into craft beer, visit Kona brewing company on the Big Island!
  • If you’re not into craft beer, visit Kona Brewing Company on the Big Island! Their food is amazing
  • For more information: https://sustaininghawaii2016.wordpress.com




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